Children of Men (and dinner!)

Yet another Orange Wednesday and yet another film! Last night John & I went to see Children of Men at the Odeon cinema in town. As the screening didn't start until 9pm we decided we would splash out and go for food first. Given that our Wednesday evenings are supposed to be a cheap night out we went to Imperial, the bigger of the two J D Weatherspoon pubs in town (and also the one with parking) where we had two main meals for the bargain price of 6.49. I'm sure Adam & Troe will agree that this is a cheap meal out by British standards! John had Chilli Con Carne & I had Chicken Burger.
I can safely say that the Odeon is not as pleasent a cinematic experience as Picture House! You have to queue outside, the toilets are scanky and the seats are cramped! Not that I'm picky!
As for the film, I haven't read the book (despite John having leant it to me) so I went in with basically no expectations, unlike John. From my point of view it wasn't a bad film, it wasn't a good film. The film started in much the same way as the book (I've read the first 10 pages!) with the death of the youngest person on earth but apparently it deviated basically from there on in! I'll be honest though, it didn't live up to the trailers. More explanation as to why the world was in the mess it was and how the various groups fitted in wouldn't have gone amiss. Understanding more about the history between Theo & Julian and why Theo is the person he is today would've been nice too!
The cast was pretty good - Clive Owen was sexy (although even he didn't make flip-flops look cool!) Michael Caine was amusing & Pam Ferris looked really odd with dreadlocks.
All in all I felt that it wasn't a bad film, not a good film but not a bad one! I won't be racing out to get the DVD but I'm glad I've seen it if only so I know for my self it doens't live up to the hype.
Dinner was nice though!!
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