The Devil does indeed wear Prada

On my birthday back on the 19th of October John & I went to see The Devil Wears Prada. I LOVE IT! I know John really wasn't sure about it before hand and attended more due to the fact it was my birthday therefore my choice (!) but I think he decided that it was really quite good.
Obviously the fashion was key with some amazing outfits throughout the film. Nice to see was that many of the outfits sported by 'Andy' (Anne Hathaway) were actually do-able in many ways (OK, maybe not with the same label but the otherall look - do-able!) Meryl Streep was a great Miranda Priestly - she does that cold, evil, cut-you-down-with-a-look thing so effectively! But, oh my God, the SHOES!! I LOVE shoes! I really want the DVD, great (admittedly girly) film.
I wanna see this film! The book is SOOOO great!
2:01 pm, November 08, 2006
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