The cinema on a Tuesday? No, really!

Yes, this week John & I broke away from our Wednesday night cinema routine for the second week running by going to the Picture House screening of TransAmerica on Tuesday night.
As part of Picture House Exeter celebrating their 10th birthday they are showing some of what they term 'Modern Classics' and this week it was the turn TransAmerica. This is a film that I wanted to see when it first came out but never got around to it so I was pleased to have the oppurtunity to see it. It wasn't one on John's list of 'Flims-To-See' but he saw a trailer a couple weeks ago & agreed it was worth a go. Unfortunately the trailer he saw was made up of funny clips which isn't a strictly true portrayal. One review I saw described the film as 'a comedy drama' which is more acurate than just a comedy. On his own blog John gave the film a 3* rating on the basis of it not being that funny. Personally I thought it was really well balanced showing the emotions that Bree was dealing with against the natually comedic moments that arise in day to day life without even trying.
For those of you who don't know TransAmerica is about Bree (Felicity Huffman - Desperate Housewives) who is a pre-op transsexual about to go through her (his?!) final gender reasignment surgery. All the best laid plans are thrown into disarray though and in Bree's case this happens with the news that she fathered a son in her days as Stanley. The film follows Bree as she flies to New York to bail Toby (Kevin Zegers) out of jail and then drives him across country to LA all the while trying to hide the fact that a/ she is technically a he and b/she is in fact his father. Needless to say neither of these things stay under wraps for the entirety of the film and we see the fallout of both Bree's attempts to hide her true identity and what happens when the truth comes out.
Zegers looked hot as Toby but it just makes me feel old - he's only 19 for Gods sake! I know I'm not exactly old enough to be his mother but still its a bit young!
In conclusion I liked the film, it lived up to my expectations and I would recommend it as a well rounded film!
TA x
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